get your real estate data & analysis!

Individualized processing & complex big data information verification

Meaningful, precise property data, market analyses and reports, based on high-quality collection and comparisons, including precise forecast simulations as trend indicators, based on a variety of relevant resource market data

For your competitive advantage and precise forecasting models based on the selection and analysis of comprehensive market data as well as relevant framework data.

Data the value of the future - Seer Real AI offers clients of the real estate market various standard reports or develops customized solutions that integrate, analyse and combine data sources in real time.

Market transparency & valid forecast through digitization

The real estate market and its decision makers need high quality comprehensive data and forecasts for professional decisions. Seer Real AI works with cutting edge technology that includes artificial intelligence and machine/deep leaning, which enables real time market observations and meaningful analysis models for our clients



Highly available

Data is everywhere Our mission is to spot data opportunities and fulfill our customers’ needs for data consultancy

Market transparency & valid forecast through digitization

Highest transparency and best predictive data are gained by our data experts through the continuous development of AI and ML based proprietary algorithms. The traceability and sensitivity of the multitude of framework parameters to the data models enjoys the highest priority and is explained to you in a service-oriented manner. Technology should work for people and their business, that is our approach, i.e. you must understand what artificial intelligence does for you.

Dashboard and API

Data models and analyses are available to our customers in clear and intuitive dashboards. Using APIs, these can be flexibly integrated into your websites or your existing software solutions, whereby white label solutions are also possible.

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Dunckerstr 3, 10437, Berlin Germany
All rights reserved for Seer Real -AI- 2021